client: private location:Kubuseiland, Utrecht, NL size: 243 m2 status: 2017-2020 photos: Marcel van der Burg, Amsterdam
Role the dices
In the urban plan of “Kubuseiland”, a residential area of the Netherlands second biggest City, Utrecht everything has to be squared. A quite Dutch approach, one could say. But why not taken it serious… A dice can be thought as something compact. So while working with it, it is about carving parts out of a volume and still leaving it massive, simple and on the same hand impressive.An abstract volume, not placed but giving the impression, that it was always there. While achieving this in opening-strategy, materialisation and detailing on the outside and working very sculpturally on the inside also a residential building for a family evolves. Even one that is gracious, nearly cosy…for a very special family of corse.